Pink spinel resembles pink sapphire. In the past pink spinel costs a lot less but not today more gem lovers and collectors covet to spinels. Since eccentric & beautiful Tanzania spinels appear in the gem market, spinel price is skyrocket and big carat size spinels are in deep pocket gem companies.
This step-cut pair of pink spinel is considered rare to find in this size. The auction is for spinel and diamond pendant ear clips each decorated with a step-cut pink spinel weighing 20.00 and 20.07 carats bordered by brilliant-cut diamonds, suspending a detachable pear-shared diamond drop weighing respectively 7.27 and 8.78 carats surmounted by a pair of similar stones, mounted in white gold and platinum size 52. The set was sold for 1,594,500chf in a Sothebys auction.