Spinels are commonly found in occurrence with corundum (ruby and sapphire) and have historically been confused with each other due to their many similarities. The major sources of spinel gemstones are Burma, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Other significant occurrences are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Viet Nam, and Russia
Tiffany & Co. Foundation donated the beautiful Sri Lanka & Tajikistan spinels to The Smithsonian Institution mineral and gem collection. The gems are exceptional in colors & quality which I believe they command high price in the gem market.

Little we know about spinels from Tajikistan due to Tajikistan spinel was found in a remoted area located in conflicted geographical situation of the Then-Soviet Union. These spinels are impressive in term of size, colors & their rarity.
The 14.02-carat violet-blue Sri Lanka spinel
The 16.79-carat orangey-pink Tajikistan spinel
Photography by Chip Clark. Gift of Tiffany & Co. Foundation, 2009.