Alexandrite is a gem variety of the mineral chrysoberyl, and is one of the most prized and exotic gemstones. The sensational feature about this stone is its dramatic color change from green or bluish-green in daylight to purplish-red under incandescent light. The original locality for alexandrite is Russia, however, now most alexandrite comes from Brazil, Sri Lanka, India, Tanzania, and Madagascar. Alexandrite in sizes over 5 carats are extremely rare.
The Whitney Alexandrite is one of the finest known alexandrites from the Hematita Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This spectacular gem weighs 17.08 carats, and appears a raspberry color under incandescent light and a teal color in daylight. The Whitney Alexandrite is a gift from Coralyn Wright Whitney to the Smithsonian's fine gem collection in 2009. It is on view in the National Gem Gallery.
Visit The Smithsonian Institution mineral and gem collection to see the real gem.